Saturday, January 6, 2007

My Bio

My name is Amanda Marie Crosby and I am twenty years old. I’ve grown up in a very small town called Gas City with the most wonderful family a person could ask for. My lovely parents, Tonya & Rex, just celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. I have one sister, who is seventeen years old and a complete brat! But, of course, I love her anyways. Our family recently built a new house and I am slowly getting acquainted with everything. It complicates your life when you live in the same place for nineteen years and your parents decide they are going to pack up and go. It has been very difficult adjusting, but I love it here.

I work at a place in Gas City called Ironworks Gym & Tanning. We also have an embroidery section, where I assume the position of the manager. It is a full time job, so I am trying to juggle numerous credit hours this semester and find time to work 40 hours a week. It is a very difficult task! I envy those who do not have to work while attending college.

I am currently peddling towards a Bachelor in General Studies, though my main focus is Dental Hygiene. I applied to the program last year and was a tenth of a point from being accepted. It was a bummer, but I decided that I needed a Bachelor Degree anyway, and this year is my time to work towards that. Hopefully I will be accepted in the Fall of 2007. Everyone wish me luck!

I recently found a little kitten on the side of the road, wet, hungry, and desperate for affection. I felt so bad for the poor thing that I brought it home and begged my parents to keep it. We had a cat for ten years at our old home, and my dad refused to take him to our new one, so we had to get rid of the little guy. That was the saddest thing I have ever had to do! It is heartbreaking how attached you become to things. So, with A LOT of begging, my dad finally gave in (He didn’t really have a choice.) At the moment, we are all trying to adjust to a new house, and a new kitten who is completely rotten!

My hobbies including hiking, riding my bicycle, taking walks in the rain, and reading. I do not listen to music much, unless it includes the genius lyrics of Mr. Bob Dylan. Being out in nature makes me feel that I am alive. When I hear birds chirping, or squirrels climbing trees, it makes me realize that we are all in this thing together, and that I need to make the best of my life while I am here. When I find time to travel, which is few and far between at the moment, I head out West. Being out West is the best place for me. Eventually, I hope to pack up my belongings and enjoy a life in Wyoming or Oregon.

My significant other and I out West!


Worth Weller said...

hey - you're a great writer! We love the West too

Worth Weller said...

You could do a paper about the West, you know, something about mining or pollution or wildlife management or forest managment, or the Native Americans, etc.

Amanda Marie Crosby said...

Great Idea! Thanks Professor Weller. :)

dgreeson said...

You would get along great with my animal loving 13 year old daughter. Three summers ago she brough home a black ,very young kitten she found along the road. Apparently something had taken it by the neck and shaken it. I didnt think it would live through the night but she nursed that darned thing. It lived and today is a fat black tom cat. It's a very strange, actually creepy looking thing though. Due to injuries from being shaken, it cant' straighten its neck so walks with its head tilted to the side.It's blind in one eye. He also breaths like someone with a trach.So you will see this fat, black, half-blind , heavy breathing cat walk towards you! I call him "Creep" but my daughter loves the thing and he loves her . (I think he is also half retarded but that makes her mad)

Amanda Marie Crosby said...

Linda, your cat sounds adorable! (not that a tilted head, breathing problems, and blindness is a good thing) But it sounds like a very special and unique animal. Tell your daughter she is a saint for saving that poor thing's life!

Tiffany Haggard said...

My sister is also 17 years old and also a complete brat. But as you said...I love her anyway. Your blog looks nice! Good job