Saturday, January 20, 2007

Global Warming

I am very interested in Global Warming. Though I have not researched it a lot, I still hold very strong opinions about the subject.

Global Warming is real. That is my opinion. We have all seen the effects already, whether it was an obvious effect or not. Canada's Inuit see it in disappearing Artic Ice and permafrost. The dwellers of Latin America and Southern Asia see it in lethal storms and floods. A situation I’m sure we all have noticed is Europe’s confrontation with fatal heat waves. Just look at our weather right now! It has snowed one time in the town I live in, and it was only just a slight blanket! I cannot understand how anyone can not believe in Global Warming and the effects it is having on our society. Maybe I need to study it a little more before constructing my opinion? Maybe not.

In response to the website, I did not find it to be completely helpful. It was not organized well and the content was overwhelming. It did, however, have many helpful links. It was also a great site for individuals looking for facts only. I would definitely recommend other sites on Global Warming instead of this one.

"With all of the hysteria, all of the fear, all of the phony science, could it be that man-made global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people? It sure sounds like it."
- James M. Inhofe, speech in U.S. Senate, July 28, 2003

I love this quote because it sounds like the exact same situation the American government is trying to pull on their citizens at this very moment with the “war on terror”; fear and hysteria. Some politicians claim that Global Warming isn’t real. Why would they claim such a thing? Well, I can think of a few reasons why politicians would shy away from the issue of Global Warming. Let’s observe one; the oil company situation. The purchase and manufacturing of oil in the United States is VERY important to politics. Why do you think we are in Iraq at this very moment? If politicians were to claim that Global Warming was in fact a rising problem for humanity, the production of oil would have to be limited because of its damaging effects to the atmosphere. Who is willing to give up their monstrous profits for something that will not affect them in their lifetime? I do believe, however, that it will not be long until politicians will have to take action on the Global Warming issue whether they believe it to be real or not. They are already seriously addressing the issue in Congress.

If anyone has not watched “An Inconvenient Truth” by Al Gore, PLEASE DO!

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