Saturday, January 20, 2007

Critical Reading

Why is critical reading important? There are many reasons why critical reading is important. If a reader "skims" the text, superficial characteristics and information are as far as the reader goes. I’m sure the author’s purpose was for the reader to really understand their work or argument, not skim through their efforts. If a reader does not fully understand what they are reading, how can they possibly form a strong opinion or argument? Do they just believe what the reader says because they are too lazy to critically think about the argument? Reading critically proves that you seek knowledge and are open-minded. Everyone has opinions, and I believe that it is important to create your own and not believe that everything you read is the truth. Life is a critical process, so why not read critically?

1 comment:

Susan Pratt said...

I agree with your stand on the importance of critical reading--you said "life is a critical process". I actually think they should teach more critical thinking in schools. It seems that when I was growing up, we were fed the answers and spit them out on the test. We need to think more critically with reasons to back up our opinions.