Sunday, February 4, 2007



Are you serious!? So you are telling me that everyone who takes a distance learning course is stressed out? I don’t think so. There are many students who find distance learning a relief compared to a traditional face-to-face classroom. Should we trust people who make broad claims like this one? I know I wouldn’t.

Involved, Angry:

Quotes like this one is yet another example of individuals who have not interviewed a variety of distance-learning students to get an exact account on how many actually get stressed-out. So they say, “Distance-Learning stresses students out more than a traditional class.” But for this claim to be true, they would have to interview ALL distance learning students. They make this claim too broad to be passed off as the truth.

Distant, balanced:

The role of Distance Education conflicts with some views of individuals who feel that Distance Education is attacking the role of a traditional face-to-face classroom setting. Quotes such as “Distance-Learning stresses students out more than a traditional class” demonstrates this point of view. Although Distance Education can be stressful at times, it is not stressful for all students who enroll in this type of learning.

I’m sure I will use the Distant, Balanced voice. I’m not an angry person, nor do I feel angry about the subject of Distance Education. I’m also not much of a comedic person, especially when writing a research paper. I don’t want my paper to be completely informal! I do have a question though; can we have a paper with all three voices?


danielle spratt said...

I agree with your choice on voices. I had the same problem with writing the angry and comedic voices .... I am not an angry person, nor did I see anything comedic about my topic. :) Your entry sounded great, Good Luck with the rest of your research!

Tiffany Haggard said...

I think you are choosing the right voice as well! I think that there are certain topics to be angry when arguing and I would not say that distance education is one of them. Also, I thought the paragraph you wrote using the distant and balanced approach sounded the best! Good job!

Brittany Schott said...

I agree! There's nothing comedic about drug addiction either!

dgreeson said...

I have to say that I have been stressed out lately by this distance course. Why? DIAL-UP- ARG!! Not only that but our provider has been down which means I still have to travel this week to do my assignments....Ok, I have vented now.

Actually, I have taken other distance courses and for me, with children still home, it takes the stress OFF of having make sure I'm home by a certain time, getting child care or missing class if a child is home sick, etc. The problems with our internet this week is no different than stress from not getting to class because the car broke down.