Sunday, February 4, 2007


"Many universities are viewing distance learning as a cash cow, a way to earn money to supplement classroom instruction." (Hasty Generalization, name calling "cash cow").

"Everyone who does a distance-learning MBA has moments when they get fed up or the pressure gets too much." (Polarization. Not ALL distance learning MBA students will get fed up or have too much pressure. The writer exaggerates this comment by representing it as an extreme that “all” will have this problem. )

"Distance learning makes students grow fonder of college." (Hasty Generalization. Distance learning may make “some” students grow fonder, but not all. There are many other factors that make students grow fond of college, not just distance learning.)

"All learners are becoming distance learners." (Hasty Generalization. This is a very “broad” claim. Though most are using the internet as a means of learning, there are still many who learn by not using the internet.)

"Well, the opportunities are rife within distance education to do the same thing, to lessen the standards and give people degrees, which are meaningless, and make a lot of money doing it." (Slippery Slope. Although this could happen, or possibly is happeningplaces at this very moment, this quote assumes that if the first step is taken, other steps will follow. Ex. Distance Education=lessened standards, more money for institutions.)


Susan Pratt said...

Amanda--Good question about using all three voices or even a combination. I think this distant learning topic is interesting--I am on my third one since going back to school--(matter-of-fact we were in the last class together). Anyway, I wondered how people fare in doing the classes versus on campus. I know two of my sons are very auditory and they do much better having class lectures.

Amanda Marie Crosby said...

For me Distance Learning is very convenient and time appropriate for my schedule, but sometimes I feel I do not get as much out of them as I would like. There is usually a lot of reading and I would rather be taught the subject, then go back and read about it. I enjoy the online courses that include lectures.